Seneca Falls: Rose Romeo passed away on January 6, 2021. She was a loving mother, doting grandmother
and great-grandmother, who lived in Seneca Falls for 98 years. Born on the family Black Brook
Road farm to Italian immigrants in 1922, Rose was the second youngest of 8 siblings.
Following her marriage in 1940, Rose and her husband Dominick "Bomber" Romeo ran and
operated Romeo's Restaurant for over 40 years. She was a lifelong communicant of Saint
Patrick's Church. Well into her 80's and 90's Rose was known for her elaborate cookie trays
and multi-course holiday meals. Anyone who was lucky enough to find a seat at her table was
sure to leave raving about the food and loving hospitality.
She is survived by her daughters, Lena Marr and Debra Swenson (David); her four
grandchildren, Dennis Marr (Lisa), Dionne Holden (Wilbur), Holly Leone (Jason) and Emily
Berwind (Tim); as well as 9 great-grandchildren, Alex, Elliot, Noah, Olivia, Eli, Bowen, John,
Rose, and Joseph. In addition, she is survived by several nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Dominick "Bomber"; her parents, Lorenzo and
Philomena Cammuso; her sister, Jenny Carbone, her brothers, Sam, Tony, Mark, Paul, Pat, and
Frank Cammuso, and her son-in-law, Dennis Marr Jr.
A private burial will take place at the convenience of the family.